Summer: What do you want from me Cohen?
Seth: I just want you.
Seth: Fair enough. Where are you going?
Ryan: I don't know. New town, get a job somewhere, save some money.
Seth: Great plan. Sounds like you've given it a lot of thought.
Ryan: So I'm now property of the government. Nickname: 0382965.
Seth: Hey, it's better than death-breath Seth. Or so I would imagine.
Ryan: Sometimes I think you talk just to make sounds.
Seth: Well, sometimes I do.
Sandy: Since the minute you were born, I knew I would never take another easy breath without knowing that you were all right.
Seth: So I'm like asthma?
Seth: You know what I mean?
Ryan: Hardly ever.
Zach: [on Seth and Summer] Even when you're not a couple you'll always be a couple. You're Joanie and Chachi, Luke and Leia.
Seth: Um, Luke and Leia were brother and sister.
Zach: Yeah, well, may the force be with you.
Seth: So what's the GP, RA?
Ryan: I have no idea what you just said.
Seth: Game plan, Ryan Atwood.
Ryan: You're just using initials now?
Seth: Yeah, it saves time.
Ryan: Well, not if you have to translate.
Seth: GP.
Ryan: Game plan?
Seth: Good point.